Label Business

In the summer of 2019, I received my books and I was excited to cover and label them. Once I got the brown covering and transparent cover binding done, I was looking for exciting labels. Something like super hero or game heros. I visited many stores and all i found was kiddish and babyish or girlish stuff only. I couldn't put that on my books, so my mother suggested plain white labels but i wasn't very happy. Then I asked if I could design my own labels and whether my parents could get it sticker printed. And that is how this label business started. And that year I settled for the good old smiley.

Later when my friends saw it, they wanted it too. So I created some templates and a pricing sheet with some options. They could even get their photographs on their labels and how cool is that. About 20% of my class signed up for my designs that summer. 


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