Republic Day Special: Addy interviewed by FM15 on "Can Online Learning be Fun and Effective too?"


Big news! Aditya and his ZiDiary featured in Atma darshan's channel (1.5 Lakh subscribers) and was one among the 3 chosen for the interview!

Watch the video here. Addy's interview starts from the 4th minute. Here's is wishing that Addy's message spread far and wide and inspire very many families.

FAMILY MATTERS, a startup YouTube Channel for strengthening families, aim to cover everyday topics that are important to your Family Life, so do share your feedback and drop your comments on topics you would like to see next and they will research, reach out to experts and prepare a video for you. 

My mother had some valuable information to share for parents, but due to the size of the video, it did not get featured. I will post it here so that you can read and know more. I will try to stitch the recordings together and post the video on YouTube soon as well. 


I'm Preethy and I’m here with my son Aditya, and we are here to talk about our experiences and how we actually thrived in 2020. Aditya will share his story first, and after that I will share 5 pointers which worked for us as parents. 

About the 5 pointers or the 5 Ps as I would like to call it:
  1. Purpose: We identified 6 categories (namely - health, character, relationships, academic and academic related, entertainment and spirituality) and for each of these areas we set goals. This did 2 things, it gave clarity and it put all of us on the same page. 
  2. Planning: We helped Aditya incorporate these goals into a daily plan in such a way that it was a win-win. It was important that he was happy with the allocation and we that were convinced that it was a fine balance. Every child is actually looking for a solid framework, and we realises that once established in that, it gives them clarity and focus.  
  3. Practicality: I won’t say that once the planning is done it will be a smooth sail,  there will be days where we will face resistance, procrastination. But I would say even a 80% compliance is a lot of productivity and balance. That brings me to the next P
  4. Patience: Kids really don’t really know that they need this stability, this framework and discipline. Some days he will work with enthusiasm, some days he will throw resistance. So whenever there is resistance grounding myself in patience was imperative, then pepping him with some thing that excites him for a few minutes and then gently nudging him to get back on tract normally works wonders. It takes a while to get set into the system, but once done it kind of becomes a daily affair. 
  5. Positivity: There was absolutely no COVID fears in our home, no negativity about the situation. We understand the pandemic and its effects objectively, but we took it as a rare blessed time to do things that we could otherwise not do. This positivity coupled with gratitude runs in our veins and hence our children pick that up. We believe we have finite amount of energy everyday and we choose wisely where we focus that, definitely not on fears or negativity.   

I hope this helps and best wishes.  


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