The story and making of Zi Diary

Hi, I'm Aditya, and I study Grade 7 at Sishya School. The idea of Zi Diary came up as a tool to solve two real life issues that I faced as a middle school goer.
When I was in Grade 5, I used to earn green card awards all terms, green card is awarded for excellence in all subjects at our school and is very prestigious. Seeing me do well at studies, my dad explained about studying at an ivy college and asked me if I would be interested in studying at one. I was motivated. Then my parents started researching and speaking to consultants and what we realised is that colleges look for all round persons and not only those good in studies. We realised its going to take a lot of planning and discipline, and to plan, track and inspire we came up with the tool “ZiDiary”. 
But the real product was put to use when COVID happened. Initially when online schooling started, I was backlogging a lot. Assignments were not submitted on time, I was not not tracking test and project submission dates. There were teacher complaints and parents were getting frustrated. That is when I decided to track and plan using the Zi Diary. I kept adding many features in one diary to make it useful. It is a combination of a school diary and general diary for students. I created the pages and content in a way that it will be a game changer for school goers especially teens who find it hard to track their school work and plan the other areas of their life inspite of all the distractions around. It actually freed up a lot of my time and my mind. I was actually doing a lot more fun stuff everyday while my school performance got better and better. 
We later also came to know that not only ivy but all good colleges around the world look for a well balanced class of students and so we thought we should put ZiDiary out and share the idea of Zi to inspire anyone who aspires to go to a good college. So I’m happy to list out the components of Zi and subsequently explain later to those who enrol on the ZiDiary journey with me. I will be super happy to personalize for anyone who wants to embark with me.

The Zi Diary - user manual 
The cover design
The binding rings and puncher
Daily habit tracker
School tear off slips
School Daily Diary Log
Test/homework tracker 
Balance chart tracker
Gratitude Journaling 
Todo task tracker
Weekly Goals tracker
Monthly goals tracker
Annual goal tracker

The second issue was, at grade 5 I weighed about 30 kilos and my school bag was about 10 kilos. This worried my mom a lot, so we came up with a creative and functional plan to address this as well with Zi.

The Zi Books - user manual
Weekly lessons pack
Subject tracker
Refills sheets

Planning my goals and time, and accounting for it helps me not compromise on anything, I get to play with my cousins, watch movies, browse the net, play fortnite with my friends and also read and meditate with my mom apart from working on school and gathering vocabulary and STEM skills online. Most importantly Zi tracker ensures no deadlines are missed. 
 A 15 minute everyday discipline and a lifetime of planned success. 

Making of Zi YouTube link

Watch out for Zi Books (Text&Notes) next, that can be a game changer and we can permanently do away with heavy school bags - 10kg to 1kg.


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